BWN Cohorts

Business Women’s Network of Howard County proudly sports a non-competitive networking and learning environment where women in business can support each other as they grow their businesses.

Our cohorts offer an opportunity for professionals in related industries to meet in a purposeful way — sharing ideas and resources, establishing referral partnerships, and offering insight and support. 

Members who would like to form connections with BWN members in an industry that’s not yet represented by a cohort are invited to work with BWN to create a new group. Contact Jenn Gruber, [email protected], for more details and support. 


BWN Golf Club

BWN Golf Club is open to members of the Business Women’s Network of Howard County and their guests. We are inclusive of all skill levels from beginner to expert. Events throughout the year are meant to improve golf swings but also to socialize and network. Golf Club events include group lessons, outings and playing in tournaments that support community nonprofits. There are also non-golfer options for many of the events if you’re more interested in networking than golfing. A separate fee is required to participate in Golf Club events.

Help Shape BWN

Participate on a Committee

Each BWN committee is run by a Board Member. By joining a committee, members help shape the future of Business Women’s Network of Howard County. Expertise in a given area is not required, just a desire to help improve the organization, learn how it works, and, of course, meet and network with other dedicated businesswomen.